America’s Shadow Government Corruption & Sedition

WOW! Here’s an article I almost don’t need to write a word about. I could simply copy and paste the very quotes of the corrupt and seditious which is damning enough and I’m going to starting with this Website “National Security Action”
Look at the very first item on their home page entitled “OUR MISSION,” and I quote :
“National Security Action is dedicated to advancing American global leadership and opposing the reckless policies of the Trump administration that endanger our national security and undermine U.S. strength in the world.”
Sure, in America we have the right to criticize and even oppose the agendas of our elected leaders, BUT look at WHO THESE PEOPLE ARE, they are almost entirely from a cursory skimming Obama Administration people who go even so far as to declare themselves “A RESOURCE FOR OUR ALLIES IN CONGRESS.” BUT WAIT, you CAN’T look at who they are, because they DELETED their entire PROFILES PAGE from that website on November 2, 2020! YES! The very DAY before the election they deleted the profiles that had been up for years. THIS PAGE RIGHT HERE:
I grabbed this copy from the WaybackMachine and saved it offline, SO now you can have a look! 😉 If you have problems loading the page with the photos, try a different browser, it does work. As I said previously, these profiles have been on this site for years, it’s not a spoof or a mistake of any kind and neither is the home page boldly listing it’s agenda desparaging President Trump and his Administration.
Apparently laws regarding corruption and sedition are currently on holiday here in America as we become “Land of the Tree’d and Home of the Slave.” Lets look at John Kerry’s meeting with Iran…… isn’t that what General Mike Flynn was scrutinized for, except Gen. Flynn was part of an incoming Administration, Kerry was NOT! What about Kerry’s family members being involved with Hunter Biden’s business dealings? For that matter, What about the entire Biden family’s involvement with China, what about Joe Biden HIMSELF admitting openly on live National TV that he BRIBED Ukranian Officials to fire a Prosecutor who intended on questioning Hunter about Burisma? What about Joe Biden’s name being on the NSA unmasking requests for the Trump Campaign? Susan Rice? Brennen and Clapper and Comey, How about Loretta Lynch who actually wanted to begin arresting people for so called “hate speech?” And then we get to who I believe is the Quarterback of it all….. Obama. Can he really claim to have no knowledge of any of it with every single top official around him all in, up to their chins in it? Including the VERY person who compiled his Presidential Daily Briefs? Sorry folks, I have to stop here, I could go on and on but when I ran that last “Obama didn’t know” part through my “Bullshit Detector” it shorted out and burst into flames! HEAR what BIDEN says at 49 seconds in :