CENSORED NEWS! Capitol Building – Charlottesville Connection?

Remember the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” where Police were ordered to stand down, Heather Heyer was killed and THERE IS EYE WITNESS TESTIMONY that KKK and Antifa or BLM rioters came in on the “”SAME BUSSES?”” Rioters at Charlottesville were armed with shields and bats, tear gas, sticks…..all types of weapons, and were allowed to simply walk by Police that day at Emancipation Park. We’ve seen current video of the Capitol Building rioting of very similar staging of this event – Police standing down, ALLOWING people to pass barricades and even enter the Capitol Building! There were notifications of Antifa planning to disguise themselves as MAGA Rally attendees specifically TO riot before the event. The Mayor in DC like the Mayor in Charlottesville seems to have encouraged the rioting if only by deliberate inaction. Those are all a GREAT MANY similarities, Coincidence?
Jason Kessler was CO-ORGANIZER of the Charlottesville “Unite the Right,” he was ALSO involved in Obama’s “Occupy Wall Street” or “Occupy Movement” So the “YUGE QUESTION” becomes: “Jason Kessler was a Lefty…… before he was a Righty?” Let’s LOOK closer….
Eric Kessler is Jason Kessler’s FATHER, Eric Kessler was a Bill Clinton White House Appointee and is the CREATOR of Arabella Advisors. Arabella Advisors is FUNDED by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative, and MANY other YUGE Globalist entities………LOOK HERE at all the workings and connections to FAR LEFTIST ORGANIZATIONS!
One somewhat obvious answer very well could be that Arabella Advisors being parent to underlings such as “The Sixteen Thirty Fund” FUNDS the STAGED EVENTS we’ve seen over and over again depicting a black vs. white race conflict that has been such a source of success for Globalists employing the “DIVIDE AND CONQUER” method to undermining America in the past. The only difference is today we have technology that can and does FOOL the people when presented by the COMPLICIT Media. Here would be a good time to research “Operation Mockingbird,” if you never heard of it.
I have no available dollar amounts in regards to Arabella Advisors, but one only need look at the names of it’s supporters to know it must be astronomical! I also have FIRST HAND PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE that “The Sixteen Thirty Fund” FUNDED a telephone campaign to undermine the appointment of Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett. In my opinion, “if it walks like a duck, and squawks like a duck, and smells like a duck……..