Elections Lockdowns The Covid Flu AND THE COUP!

To understand what the hell is going on in America today we first must understand the many plagues overwhelming us, Political, Civil, Pandemic, Financial, Business, Social….etc, are because they were INTENDED to be. BUT – here’s some good news “it’s all part of the same assault. Just one – not many as it seems.
In war, there are many weapons, bullets, rockets, grenades, – whatever, and similarly, what we’re experiencing today is also a type of war. Only no one told us so officially. All these plagues aflicting us are all part of the same “Coup d’ etat,” or simply “Soft Coup.” Let me explain……
Addressing Covid 19 first, we have been lied to concerning the origin, unless you believe this pandemic simply “started” on it’s own in a pot of “Bat Soup” served in a sidewalk slaughter market in Wuhan. There are diseases that can be derived from eating bad food, such as food poisoning, but not most Viruses. According to the World Health Organization 160 degrees kills Viruses, which would be considered cold for soup! Also consider, almost NO Americans would ever consider eating is such a place unless you enjoy a nice cup of local tap water while vacationing in mexico….. YET, we were told Covid originated exactly that way and then rapidly spread to and all over America in a matter of a month or so. Remember when we were told the Embassy attack in Benghazi Libya was because of a Movie rather than the Obama-Clinton “Nation Building” fiasco, arms trafficking and assassination of Ghaddafi? Right!
The FACT is, the only way this Covid 19 spread around America so quickly is because it was released here. Just look at the “BENEFITS” this Pandemic has yielded the Globalist Elites!
Covid 19 was the reason for the “previously illegal” mail in ballots that enabled the massive election fraud.
Covid 19 was the reason for State Governors to assume Pharaoh-like powers over us with RADICAL laws and requirements and restrictions.
Covid 19 was the reason States and Organizations and Special Interest Groups have been grantes Billions upon Billions of Dollars!
Covid 19 has also been the excuse for Congress to institute new proceedures and requirements in Government.
Covid 19 has granted VAST powers to airlines and Big Corporations to restrict actual Civil Rights as they see fit.
I could continue on listing, but that should be enough, between the mess of the election it allowed for and the snatching away of Civil rights Covid has been an obvious BLESSING to the elites and Globalists seeking control of America. >>>BUT<<< There's a MUCH BIGGER deal going on here you must consider....
Remember the Farms and Farmers who plowed under millions of acres of vegetables? Remember the Millions upon millions of Chickens and cattle destroyed? The milk and eggs dumped? Here’s a few questions for you:
What happens to the value of a Farm, that cannot produce? How about a famous Bar, Hotel or Restaurant- that is closed and boarded up for a year? Gyms? Barber Shops and Salons of all kinds, Sidewalk Retailers and all Mom & Pop shops….
ANSWER: The Value drops like a stone! Especially when they go out of business!
LOOK here at Bill Gates buying up Farmland fast as he can, What does that tell you!?
IMAGINE shuttering all those millions of prospering businesses making them worth pennies on the dollar! Remember, this DOES NOT affect the big Corps! I haven’t seen any Wal-Marts closed down, or Costco’s or Home Depot, in fact they are all SWIMMING in the sales, Called “MARKET SHARE”), that WERE going to all those shuttered stores and shops! AND Amazon and all the other online Big Techs are laughing all the way to the bank!
Globalist Big Corporations are Gobbling up the Market Shares of every business in the entire Country. Also, Big Tech won’t be left out Google, Apple Twitter and Facebook have now banded together in the Coup against America and have assassinated their competition in direct defiance of any and all laws and fair business practices.
Any and everything I have written here is entirely verifiable. Remember Obama’s “Redistribution of Wealth?” He literally REGULATED Manufacturing right out of America.
Right Now, just keep the faith all this is a much bigger battle than anyone is seeing and it’s raging all over the entire World! Here in America the lines are drawn, the Grey areas are gone. Patriots will not quietly surrender America to the corrupt Globalist Elites. During this next 10 days we may see a complete shut down of EVERYTHING in America so have enough supplies on hand for your family NOW, (PETS too), to last that long AT LEAST!
“There are but two sides now, traitors and Patriots.” – embelished slightly, but none the less, accurate.
DO NOT ATTEND ANY PROTESTS! Perfect time to stay home and watch some movies! 😉