Twitter Tampering With My Account & THE ELECTION!?

“Irregularities”….. “Errors”…. “Mistakes” …. “Glitches” …..
These terms and others similar recently used by Technocrats, the MSM, people like Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg, to indicate occurance of unfortunate events and to justify them as unintended, accidental or beyond control, very much like in the yesterdays of Television, when you would hear “Due to circumstances beyond our control…..” or “Due to technical difficulties….” when in fact, they are none of the above. Shown below in actual video and actual screen shots are obvious and deliberate actions taken by insiders who have access to the programs and code running within the platforms.
In this way they CONTROL who sees your comment or entire profile or website, even to the extent of “Shadowbanning” where YOU see your comment or post and even your circle of friends might see it…… but no one else can. They can limit your “Likes” or “Upvotes” by simply telling the program that one click of the upvote arrow equals .50 instead of 1.00 as seen here in this VIDEO capturing the supression. I believe the only reason this was able to be seen and captured is because the Twitter insider tampering with my Twitter Stats neglected to include the proper portion of the HTML code to “Hide” the action, making it an off screen function.
That’s messed up in and of itself, but, as I posted Tweets during election week and up to the day after the election my Tweets began receiving 9 views…. 5 views, 11 views, down from the already suppressed 50 – 200 or so +/- previously. Then, on Nov. 5th, 2020 with all the controversy in the ballot count, and remembering news articles about destroyed ballots in 2018, (NC House Race), & 2016, (Broward County, Fla.), I created a hashtag “IMPOUNDBALLOTSNOW” which is an entirely legal and appropriate thing to do. I posted the Hashtag encouraging people over numerous Social Media sites to post any issues of suspected Election Fraud on the Twitter hashtag page.
After a couple years on Twitter and NEVER a single violation, the Hashtag page was immediately deleted and I was immediately suspended – “Indefinately.” Followers gone – No explanation given – even the Twitter tool to Contact Support on my homepage is still disabled. All my Tweets are still there including the one that created the Hashtag, only the Hashtag page is missing.
Remembering George Carlin’s “7 words you can’t say on TV,” basic decency and content requirements are one thing. Suppression of entirely resonable speech is something entirely different. Especially since these “Businesses” are engaging in, and monopolizing the web based advertising industry in America. As such they must be subject to the laws and requirements of the FTC.
But this goes even further than that, what about my Twitter example where my Hashtag cannot possibly be any violation? Then it becomes something very different, NOW we have a Joseph Goebbels type “Ministry of Propaganda,” a media entity deceiving voters during an election, deliberately engaging in an attempted over throw of our Government. Engaging in Fraud and Election Tampering possibly even acting as unregistered Lobbyists, providing financially valuable advertising benefits to a specific party and candidate, blocking others.
These are crimes with severe penalties, and in such an instance as to actually tamper with public discussion during an election so potentially destructive to our Country and election process no penalty can possibly be severe enough except the complete dissolution of both the company and its ill gotten assets.
We have now moved over to Parler! So Flip the bird – the bird! Join us here: